Emery announces anniversary tour

Emery announces anniversary tour

Plus August Burns Red opens up preorders on iTunes, Come Wind working on crowdfunded new album, Sivion collaborates in the studio, and Knox Hamilton’s van robbed in Portland…

Emery has announced The Question 10 Year Anniversary Tour, which is celebrating ten years since the release of their biggest album. They also announced some VIP packages including a private acoustic set on their tour bus.

August Burns Red have opened up preorders on iTunes for their upcoming album Found In Faraway Places, and it includes an immediate download of their first single “The Wake.”

Fusion hiphop artist Sivion is apparently in the studio collaborating with the Gold Tip Gang… that would be Playdough and DJ Sean Patrick, for the uninformed.

Come Wind successfully crowdfunded a new album earlier this year, and they are currently in the studio working on new music and posting a bunch of pics on Facebook.

Knox Hamilton posted a sad update this week, letting fans know that their van was robbed and all their equipment was stolen in Portland. They posted a list of all their missing stuff on Twitter.

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