KB releases “Sideways” music video
Plus Playdough on the road, Knox Hamilton robbed in Portland, stage shots from Capital Kings, and Sivion collaborates…
KB has released the music video for his song “Sideways,” which also features Lecrae. It’s on his album Tomorrow We Live which releases this coming Tuesday, and is streaming right now on iTunes First Play.
Playdough is taking his jams on the road, as the Party Time Excellent Tour kicks off, starting with a show in his home state of Texas.
Knox Hamilton posted a sad update this week, letting fans know that their van was robbed and all their equipment was stolen in Portland. They posted a list of all their missing stuff on Twitter.
Our van was robbed in Portland today, so if you NW folks can keep an eye out for this stuff, we’d appreciate it. pic.twitter.com/exNBwIZmS4
— Knox Hamilton (@KnoxHamilton) April 12, 2015
Capital Kings is currently on tour and are posting some sweet stage shots on their Twitter feed, including a recent one from Texas.
Shot from #thewhiteoutparty in Texas tonight // You all were wild!!! pic.twitter.com/rU9sm4fRVn — Capital Kings (@CapitalKingsUSA) April 16, 2015
Fusion hiphop artist Sivion is apparently in the studio collaborating with the Gold Tip Gang… that would be Playdough and DJ Sean Patrick, for the uninformed.