Taco Bell has made their foray into the chicken sandwich wars and we’re here to find out if it will be successful or not! We also take a chance on the limited edition Lay’s Funyuns, Cheetos, and Cool Ranch Doritos flavored chips. [...]
Taco Bell has made their foray into the chicken sandwich wars and we’re here to find out if it will be successful or not! We also take a chance on the limited edition Lay’s Funyuns, Cheetos, and Cool Ranch Doritos flavored chips. [...]
McDonald’s has updated their breakfast bakery menu with the addition of mini donuts and we never say no to donuts on The RIOT! Will they be any good? Let’s find out! [...]
Pumpkin Spice is so 2010! Apple Crisp is the new hot flavor so we’re trying Starbucks’ newest drink to see if the trend is worth following! [...]
Hudson made sure to acquire some authentic southern snacks while he was in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and now we’re ready to try them! See what we think of several different flavors of Moon Pies as well as RC Cola (aka the redneck six pack). [...]
Isaia was kind enough to take a trip to Applebee’s to pick up their exclusive blue raspberry and blackberry Mountain Dew flavor. Join us as we give it a shot! [...]
A listener named Ryan stopped at the world’s largest candy store and sent us a huge collection of various Kit Kats, including the new Fruity Cereal and Key Lime Pie flavors, plus a few from Japan that we’re trying to figure out how to translate! [...]
Hudson, Nikki, and Isaia are celebrating National S’mores Day by sampling Krispy Kreme’s two brand new s’mores flavored donuts! [...]
Hey I’m Isaia the new Producer for The RIOT. I grew up in Columbus and have been a fan of RadioU for a long time and am excited to be a part of the team! My first improvement to the show will be kicking Nikki and Hudson off traffic and weather and doing it myself! [...]