
Colin Rigsby

Disciple previews new music

Disciple previews new music

Plus Family Force 5 goes on the road, Vesperteen never knew how to love you, and LNYX remixes “Shut Up And Dance”… Disciple’s latest episode of their Bus Banter Podcast is up now and not only does it feature the guys from We As Human, it’s also your first chance to hear brand new music [...]

July 15, 2015 RadioU RadioU Music News 0

House of Heroes with Jared

House of Heroes with Jared

House of Heroes with Jared It’s no secret that House of Heroes is Jared’s favorite band. He got a change to catch up with drummer Colin Rigsby and there was much ado about Nikola Tesla, Instagram cats and Colin’s solo project. [...]

January 16, 2013 RadioU Interviews 0