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    Contact Us 877-855-GIVE
RadioU · PO Box 1887 · Westerville, OH 43086

 Guidestar Gold Seal Of Transparency

RadioU believes music should SAY something

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Or, support RadioU by giving $50 a month, and we'll send your choice of either the long-sleeve, lightweight hoodie or two t-shirts as our way to say "thanks!"
RadioU is 100% listener funded. Just like you, our bills come every month which means monthly donations help out the most – but what you give is totally up to you!

Check out the Impact tab below to see all the ways your donation reaches real people who depend on RadioU's music and message to give them hope every day!

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3. Vintage fundraiser tees

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The Impact

RadioU believes music should SAY something

And that the music we play can help change people's lives for the better. The people below prove we’re right about all that. Thanks for donating to reach even more listeners – YOU can make a difference right now!


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You have NO IDEA the impact the music you play has. RadioU songs talk about darkness and struggling, but God’s presence in those things and power over those things. Just to hear others admit to struggling — if they can bring their mess before God, maybe I can, too. This music means more than you think. And not just the music, but the things you say have helped me. Just a few days ago I caught a story about how God still wants to guide you in your life even after you’ve messed things up. I’ve seen unsaved Uber drivers react to spiritual things RadioU DJs have said. RadioU is a lifeline. Thank you.

Jen listens to RadioU
online near Cleveland, Ohio


I cannot describe what RadioU has done for me in my life. Whenever I’ve been depressed or caught up in something, RadioU has been there. I can simply turn on the radio — thanks for being different.

Cody listens to RadioU 88.7
in Marysville, Ohio


God is a constant in my life, and you have been a huge part in making that relationship happen!

Adam listens to RadioU 92.5
in Ontario, Ohio


Thank you for all you do and how many lives you change. You really are a voice in the darkness, unique and creative. The DJs are honest about their lives and use it to encourage in the midst of crisis. I am so thankful for its authenticity, heart, and passion — and always having GREAT MUSIC!!

Johanna listens to RadioU
online in Redding, California


This past year whenever I’ve started to feel darkness creep in, RadioU has been a great outlet for me. Cranking up RadioU gives a great positive distraction. Thank you for all you do and the message of God’s love and hope that you spread. It’s refreshing in a sea of negativity out there.

Brian listens to RadioU
in Puyallup, Washington


I have come to God because of your radio station.

I have four years left on a 13-year federal prison sentence. I came into this system very broken, unable to forgive myself and I considered myself an atheist. I did not believe there was anything to look forward to any longer. I lost my wife, my son, and my daughter because of my selfishness. I couldn’t forgive me and neither could they. I went so far as to have the word “Unforgiven” tattooed on my arm. I no longer cared what happened to me. I just wanted my life to be over.

But one day I got a new radio. And while scanning the stations I landed on 91.5 and heard a cover of “Show Me How To Live.” Over the next 15 minutes or so, I heard NF, Death Therapy, Mike Mains, and The Devil Wears Prada. When I heard the station was called RadioU, I assumed it was a college station. But then Hudson came on and told me that I could get through my problems with help from Jesus and that all I had to do was ask Him to come into my life and fill me with His spirit. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I continued listening. Glasslands. Off Road Minivan. Red. Demon Hunter. I started to think about the words to a lot of the songs I heard. And I realized, finally, that RadioU was on the air to help people like me. I could not stop listening to RadioU.

I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I attend services at the chapel and I have just finished my first complete reading of the Bible. I even got my tattoo fixed with a cross around the word “Unforgiven” and the ropes that tie the cross together for an “X” over the “Un” because I am forgiven! I now know there is a purpose for my life. I look forward to my future now because I know God has something in the works for me. And I owe this all to RadioU and all of the awesome personalities there.

Keep doing what you do, PLEASE!

Steven listened to RadioU 91.5 while incarcerated at FCI Lompoc in California


I was in prison for drugs last year. When I couldn’t get my usual rock station, I was going through the stations and heard Thrice on your station. Every song that came on that night was music to my ears. I am out of prison now and no longer use the substance I had overdosed on. I changed my people, my places, my things, and I changed the radio station I listened to when I was getting high. I’ve been clean over a year now, and since RadioU, I’ve never considered going back to the old station I used to listen to. RadioU has been a major weapon in my personal battle against drug abuse and my own personal demons. I tell everyone I know about RadioU and the positive influence the music has had on me.

Jason listens to RadioU
in Chillicothe, Ohio


I almost killed myself, but then this song by Fit For a King came on and made me reconsider. Thanks so much.

Kole listens to RadioU
in Pensacola, Florida


Thank you for reminding me that God still loves me. That God would want a relationship with me is astonishing. There was a while there, your laughter and positivity was the only source I had. I’ll never forget the light you’ve shined in my high and low (and really low) times. Things are brighter now. Thank you and God bless you.

Steven listens to RadioU 91.5
in Lompoc, California


RadioU has made such an impact on my life. I’ve been listening and through RadioU and a great group of friends I’ve found Jesus and accepted Him!

Sean listens to RadioU 102.5 in Dayton, Ohio


I found RadioU while I was incarcerated. The hope and difference this made in my life then has been part of carrying me to where I am now. Thank you.

Steven listens to RadioU
in Reedley, California


You’ve been in my life for 15 years now and you’ve helped to save it multiple times. Thank you for spreading the message that God loves us, wants a relationship with us, and will always meet us where we are. I can’t describe how much I love and appreciate RadioU.

Maggie listens to RadioU 88.7
in Pataskala, Ohio


RadioU is amazing! I met the REAL Jesus through RadioU.

Mary listens to RadioU in Cincinnati, OH


This last year you helped me through the hardest that I’ve ever had. One day I was ready to give up but you made me want to fight. I finally understood how much you really do for people. RadioU is not only awesome music, but you give a great message. Thank you so, so much.

Michelle listens to RadioU 88.7
in Reynoldsburg, Ohio


Always when I’m in my deepest, darkest place, you guys remind me there is a light and a real true God who actually loves me when no one else does. I love you guys.

Tony listens to RadioU 88.7
near Columbus, Ohio


I absolutely love the music! I started listening to RadioU in 2010 and have never turned back. There is NO other station like it. God turned me around from the heavy use of drugs and alcohol, to the point of wanting to end it all. I had a plan to do so, but God had other plans. Your station takes that to the next level and I thank God for that!

Daniel listens to RadioU 88.7
in Grove City, Ohio


Thank you to RadioU for making my hard days easier to get through. The music inspires me to not give up. RadioU is about changing the world through music and I want to be a part of that.

Samantha listens to RadioU 88.7
in Pickerington, Ohio


This station is the most purposed, powerful station I know that clearly communicates the message of a meaningful relationship with Christ.

Bryan listens to RadioU 88.7
in Milford Center, Ohio


When I listen to your music and your reminders about how simple it is to have a relationship with God, I feel so much hope. You guys are amazing. Seriously, thank you SO much for everything you do.

Alison listens to RadioU 102.5
in Fairborn, Ohio


After being angry and upset with God your music has given me the opportunity to start praying and getting back to the relationship I once had.

Aaron listens to RadioU
in Marysville, Ohio


RadioU has made a lasting impact in my life and still continues to be there for me all these years. The awesome music, but most of all introducing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for loving God and loving people. I listen every day.

Ethan listens through RadioU’s mobile app
in Colorado Springs, Colorado


One thing that always comes to mind before I make a donation to RadioU is how much is the Gospel message worth to me, being presented across the airwaves for all to hear? When I think about that, it really doesn’t even feel like I’m giving that much. It’s the most important message being shared with the best music and people. Much love to everyone at RadioU! Don’t know what I’d do without you.

Benjamin listens to RadioU in Upper Sandusky, Ohio


I started listening to RadioU and was in a bad place at that time. Since then RadioU helps me every single day. I’ll hear a song or the DJs will say something I need to hear. Love you guys and thanks for all you do.

Shannon listens to RadioU
in Raymondville, Missouri


During my addiction I listened to RadioU. Your messages planted a seed and now I have a relationship with Christ and am 18 months clean.

Miguel listens through our mobile app
in Ohio


You’ve gotten me through a lot of lonely times in one piece. Thank you.

Emily listens to RadioU 88.7
in Delaware, Ohio


I listened to RadioU before I became Christian because the music was so good, better than [other radio stations around here] by a mile. I’ve cut most of the bands I used to listen to out of my life. Finding RadioU is an absolute Godsend!

Dolan listens to RadioU 90.5 in Oklahoma City


RadioU has saved my life many times. God speaks to us in so many ways, and music is the way He reaches me.

Stephany listens to RadioU 101.7
in Midland, Michigan

A listener

My grandma was diagnosed with cancer. I hated God for this. Hudson has such a great personality and has really helped me rebuild my relationship with God and find more peace in my life. My grandma is now getting better. I’ve been working at bettering my relationship with God and the signs are there that He’s real and He cares. Thank you!

A listener to RadioU 101.7 in Mid Michigan


RadioU introduced me to my favorite band, which was there for me during my darkest days of depression and thoughts of suicide. The morning show has given me so many laughs when I didn’t think I could, and you have always kept Jesus at the forefront even when I didn’t want Him to be. You have been there for what feels like a lifetime now. Thanks for these past six years and the many more to come!

Jackson listens through RadioU’s mobile app in Roanoke, Virginia


I am a longtime listener and I owe RadioU for the person I am today. My donation gives the same opportunity to more people than I can possibly reach on my own.

Terry listens to RadioU 88.7
in Lancaster, Ohio


I am so thankful my best friend showed me RadioU. Some of your music literally saved my life in the midst of suicide. You guys have amazing music that never gets old. Thank you!

M. listens to RadioU 91.5
in Grover Beach, California


This has been the worst three years, but RadioU speaks TRUTH. This has been a weapon against Satan’s lies of hopelessness and depression. Thank you.

Krista listens through RadioU’s mobile app
near Indianapolis, Indiana


RadioU is my #1 station. This station helps me remember I’m not alone and will always have God in my corner!

Kyle listens to RadioU 105.5
in Newark, Ohio


RadioU helped me through my prison term at Central Michigan Correctional Facility, oftentimes setting me free on my daily walks in the yard. I thank God for RadioU.

Jason listened to RadioU 96.7
in St. Louis, Michigan


The music you guys played helped me get through my high school years, including my mothers’ attempted suicide. I made it through with your help. I went to college for a year, pushed everyone out of my life including (sadly) RadioU, and then went into a deep depression. I’ve recently started listening again — and I’m happier and dealing with my depression much easier. Thank you guys so much for all that you do. I wouldn’t have nearly as much in my life without RadioU.

Kathryn listens via RadioU’s mobile app
in Orlando, Florida


There’s definitely been times when I was really low, totally hopeless, going through something really hard and the perfect song came on at just the right time or someone was speaking to those that are hurting and it really meant a lot. Thank you guys.

Chris listens to RadioU 90.5
in Edmond, Oklahoma


Thanks for keeping the music and messages going. Your DJs pick the songs or say the right thing when I am struggling. Without RadioU I don’t know where I would be. Thank you for all you play, say, and pray.

Jessica listens to RadioU 88.7
in Dublin, Ohio


After going through the most difficult time in my life and reaching out for prayer, God saved me from suicide. I will never be able to put into words how much RadioU has meant to me in my recovery.

Chad listens to RadioU in Paso Robles, California


RadioU has changed my life. I went through some hard times and lost my way. My whole life crumbled so I started using drugs. I flatlined in the hospital from a severe infection from injecting cocaine. Although I have stayed clean, I still have been battling depression and regretful feelings about my past. Three months ago, I turned your station on and I’m truly turning things around. Hearing the positivity, encouragement, and the message that God still loves me has made my entire life change.

Ashley listens to RadioU 98.7
in Springfield, Ohio


Not long after I started listening my son relapsed and OD’d. They were able to bring him back and he is on his road to recovery. For those first weeks and months I would drive with all these things running through my head and it never failed that you ALWAYS played or said the exact thing I needed, when I needed to hear it. Thank you guys for all you do.

Nicole listens to RadioU
in Lexington, Kentucky

A listener

You have gotten me through some incredibly tough times. “I wish I knew what it was like to be happy” was a lot of how I felt over that time, especially the last two years. But with all of your positivity at my back, I am finally catching glimpses of what it’s like to be truly happy. Thank you for being a light in the darkness. RadioU is the only station I listen to anymore.

A listener to RadioU in Muncie, IN


RadioU had a huge impact on my life. I discovered so many of my favorite bands through your station, and the DJs kept me company when I felt alone.

Gabe in listens to RadioU 88.7
in Pickerington, Ohio


I gave during the fundraiser and got a RadioU t-shirt. A worker at a store I went to saw my RadioU shirt, and told me that RadioU helped her get through a very tough time after her child had taken their own life. That worker was so thankful for RadioU, and I wanted to share her story.

Mindy listens to RadioU 88.7 in Ohio


I listen to RadioU all the time. To be honest, when my parents argue and stuff, I feel like I can just listen to RadioU and all my tears can just disappear. I love how when I can’t sleep RadioU is playing and I can listen. Sometimes, I just need somebody to know how I’m feeling. Thanks by the way.

Hannah listens to RadioU 101.7
in Bay City, Michigan


This world is full of so many reminders of what we can’t do and who we can’t be. This station has helped me to keep pushing back and fighting on so many occasions when I thought I had nothing more to give.

Rick listens to RadioU 88.7
in Galloway, Ohio


When I heard that someone was thinking about committing suicide and decided not to because of the music and messages on RadioU, we knew we wanted to donate. My father committed suicide, so having someone choose to stay because of this radio station shows the impact you are having.

E. listens to RadioU 88.7
in Obetz, Ohio


Waking up today I have 19 days sober off of opiates. RadioU has gotten me through the worst detox I’ve ever experienced, these sleepless nights, and has helped my mental state during all of this. You’ve helped me reconnect with God. I have nobody physically to be there for me through this but I have God again and this station. I just wanted to say thank you. You saved my life and saved me from myself.

Tiffany listens to RadioU 88.7 in Columbus, OH


Love you guys like a family I’ve never had. You encourage me and strengthen me in my faith.

Jordan listens to RadioU 88.7
in Columbus, Ohio


I have now been sober for one year. Without RadioU, I would never have heard of The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Their song was a constant reminder and motivator for me, reminding me that God loves me and is always there and even though I mess up, still He loves me! I appreciate RadioU — you are the best radio station ever.

Geoff listens to RadioU 90.5
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


I woke up feeling defeated in life. Turned on the radio and heard songs and messages I needed. Thank you for connecting me back to God.

Tiffany listens to RadioU 88.7 in Columbus, OH


I just discovered RadioU and I’m impressed. THIS is the message I’ve been searching for, and I already feel a difference in my outlook on life. I will keep listening for a long time.

Laurie listens to RadioU 102.5 in Dayton, Ohio


RadioU truly is amazing and you guys have helped me back down from an attempt to commit suicide. RadioU really does play the right songs at the right time.

Daniel listens to RadioU 88.7
in Delaware, Ohio


I discovered RadioU at one of the lowest points in my life and have been listening ever since! You have been a huge encouragement to me!

Peter listens to RadioU in Fresno, CA


I remember being fifteen and listening to RadioU 24/7. When I would shut myself in my room for days trying to figure out who I was, RadioU was a big part of that. Today I’m 22, and it hit me, thinking of then compared to now. You guys have greatly impacted my life and I want you guys to continue to do the same for others.

Rene listens to RadioU
in Chillicothe, Ohio


I was especially thankful for RadioU this morning when they were talking about struggles with depression. I lost a friend to suicide just over a week ago, and it has been a very scary time for me because I also struggle with depression. I have felt like I’m fighting for my life in the last week, and listening this morning gave me some hope. I appreciate you all so much!

A. listens to RadioU 88.7 in Westerville, Ohio


Thank you for playing “You” by Apollo LTD a little bit ago. I had literally pulled into an empty parking lot on my way home just to cry, and that song could not have played at a better time. Thank you so much.

Abby listens to RadioU 88.7 in Columbus, Ohio


I heard a song on the radio and it was saying exactly how I have been feeling. I cried because I knew someone understood. Most importantly I know God understands. I cannot get that anywhere else. Saving lives is a wonderful thing. Thanks for saving mine. I love you all for doing what you do — if I was a millionaire you guys would have it.

Shawn listens to RadioU 98.7
in Springfield, Ohio


I just got done doing prison time and I wanted to let you all know that RadioU helped me tremendously through the hard times. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Keep up the good news and great music.

TJ listens to RadioU
in Ohio


This may seem random but I thank you for this station. A few months ago I was about to commit suicide and out of nowhere my radio on my phone turned on and a song came on and it said something that changed my life. I put down the gun and got down on my knees and prayed for God’s love to fill my life. Thank you for playing the right song at the right time. Keep on changing lives and giving hope to those that are in their darkest hour.

Dennis listens to RadioU 101.7
in Mid Michigan

A listener

A few months ago, I was struggling with something very traumatic that happened to me. I had panic attacks almost every day, and the emotional pain was so overwhelming that I began to make plans to kill myself. One morning, I decided to listen to RadioU. You gave a message that was an exact answer to the negative thoughts I was having that day, and then I knew God was reaching out to me. I got help and worked through a lot of the trauma. Today I don’t think about suicide. Ever. I don’t have panic attacks anymore. I now have hope. I want you to know that your work is important and what you say matters. You saved my life. I donate because there could be someone out there just like me whose life will be saved because they listen to RadioU.

A listener to RadioU in Atascadero, California


I went through devastating emotional trials. RadioU helped me keep a grounded perspective even when I felt I was losing it with God. Thank you all for being real.

Chad listens to RadioU
in Ephrata, Pennsylvania


I really pulled back from Jesus after making a series of immoral decisions. I just felt like I shouldn’t waste Jesus’ time… “He can’t possibly want to have anything to do with me anymore.” Well, listening to RadioU was one of the things that pulled me back to Him. It was one of my first reserve weekends at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma and Demon Hunter’s “The Negative” was playing and it caught my attention. Thank you for being there for me.

Sarah listens to RadioU 90.5
near Oklahoma City


I have been struggling with addiction for a few years and it’s been weighing on me. I got in my car this morning to go to work and turn you guys on and I immediately burst into tears realizing that God was reaching out to me in my darkest hour through you! I decided this morning to finally detox. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used.

Kristin listens to RadioU


When I was a teenager, so many times I felt weighed down by sheer loneliness. I stumbled across RadioU where I fell in love with the music and felt like God was saying, “You aren’t alone.” The songs came just as I needed them, and in the style no one else was playing. Still, RadioU reminds me of God’s love. Your reach is further and deeper than you may guess.

Stephanie listens to RadioU
online in Strasburg, Virginia


The music goes down deep and is right there when I need it.

Tamara listens to RadioU 88.7
in Reynoldsburg OH


Thank you guys for the amazing music and message. Last year I lost my Grandpa. On my way to the hospital when he was taken in, you played “Gonna Get Through This” by Mike Mains & The Branches. I felt like God was truly telling me He was gonna take me through it. I’m truly thankful I can listen while I’m at work and when I’m driving. Thanks again.

David listens to RadioU 98.7
in Springfield, Ohio


There are days when alcohol and lust win. Every day is a battle and it’s so easy to make mistakes. But I always come back, and more often than not it is RadioU that brings me back. I am thankful for people like you.

Jared listens to RadioU 88.7
in Westerville, Ohio


I heard this song when I was driving and the words finally sunk in… ‘God’s not done with me yet!’ It was a super cool moment because I knew everything would be okay. I just have to get through this mess and healing and I will be okay!

Megan listens to RadioU 88.7
in Gahanna, Ohio


I love that the music RadioU plays deals with things we tend to ignore, even though we all experience them. Some days can get really, really hard. Whenever I tune to RadioU, things don’t seem so bleak. I’m not alone in my struggles, and there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thanks for doing what you do.

Faith listens to RadioU 101.7
in Midland, Michigan


RadioU has made such a positive impact in my life. You’ve led me to so many artists that brought me comfort knowing I’m not alone, and the courage to fight on.

Joseph listens to RadioU 90.5
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


It’s changed my life.

Joseph listens to RadioU in Lansing, MI

A listener

RadioU saved my life! I was depressed and using drugs but I started listening to you guys. You introduced me to really good, meaningful music. I got cleaned up and have been sober for four years now. Thank you!

A listener to RadioU 88.7
in Reynoldsburg, Ohio


RadioU is changing my life with God in the center. I’m still learning so much.

Michael listens to RadioU
in Lancaster, Ohio


I am a believer in what you listen to can impact your mental, physical, and spiritual health. RadioU has a positive effect on all of those things. I’m grateful for RadioU as it has brought me closer to God and helped me stay positive. Thank you!

Tiffany listens to RadioU 88.7
in Columbus, Ohio


Not long ago, both my parents were killed and my world has been turned upside down. One day, I cried out to God in my drive to work. Matty Mullins’ song came on and I’m 100% convinced God was speaking to me through that song. Every word was exactly what I needed to hear. THANK YOU for playing this music and sharing these vital messages. You make my life better.

Rachel listens to RadioU 88.7
in Delaware, Ohio


RadioU is awesome. I was going through a dark time. Then I started listening to RadioU and that’s part of why I came back to God.

Haley listens to RadioU 102.5
in Fairborn, Ohio


I just had a friend who committed suicide yesterday and it’s been really hard. I heard ‘This Is Not The End’ on RadioU and it really means a lot to me. It’s keeping my head up and it’s not the end and that everything’s eventually going to be okay. RadioU means a lot to me and I just wanted to say thank you.

Kaylen listens to RadioU
in Fredonia, New York


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does RadioU need money?

With radio tower bills, streaming, music licensing, and more, RadioU isn't cheap to do. And without commercials — we legally can't play them and you wouldn't want us to anyway! — RadioU stays on the air 100% because of donations from listeners like you!

What is a "monthly" donation?

Your monthly donation keeps the music going every month on RadioU, and continues automatically until you tell us to increase, decrease, or stop. A monthly donation therefore doesn’t need to be renewed unless you fall behind on payments. Onetime donations are paid only once.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. RadioU is operated by Spirit Communications, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We’ll email a receipt for every donation, and you’ll receive a year-end giving statement in January that you can use for your income tax preparation.

What about my privacy?

We do not share your information with anyone, and we'll be the only ones to contact you. If you choose to donate without using a credit or debit card, we may send you a return envelope in the mail for your convenience.

What if I need to change my donation?

Click here to manage your recurring donation's amount, payment method, or next payment date anytime. Or, log in here to update your contact information, download year-end giving statements, and see your entire giving history. You can also contact us online, call us at 1-877-855-GIVE, send us an email to donate@radiou.com, or write to RadioU · PO Box 1887 · Westerville, Ohio 43086.

What if I can't fulfill my commitment?

We understand that circumstances change, but we do encourage you to still send anything you can.

More questions?

Use this handy link to ask your question now, or call us at 1-877-855-GIVE.

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RadioU-branded merchandise sold through radiou.com can be returned within thirty days of the order’s ship date. Use the link below to look up your order. If your order is returnable, you’ll be able to print a prepaid USPS shipping label.


Only unwashed, unworn, original-condition merchandise can be returned. Once received by RadioU, you will be credited for the cost of the item(s) being returned. Shipping is not refunded.

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Reach out to us by email, or call us at 614-839-7100.

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