Obadiah takes a spin (get it! a SPIN!!!) with the Logitech G920 Racing Wheel for the Xbox One and the PC. Is it expensive? YES. Is it mind-blowing? Also YES. More details and impressions in Riot Control! [...]
Obadiah takes a spin (get it! a SPIN!!!) with the Logitech G920 Racing Wheel for the Xbox One and the PC. Is it expensive? YES. Is it mind-blowing? Also YES. More details and impressions in Riot Control! [...]
David from For Today stops in to force feed us some sort of grass-drink-Super-Food for major gainz(Spoiler: it tastes like lemon grass.) He also talks about the new album and tour while giving away copies and flexing with mad abandon. [...]
Children 18:3 stops by the studio to talk about new Archie Comics (no, really) and what’s happening in the land of Minnesota. [...]
Obadiah and Nikki talk about Batman Arkham Knight and why you’ll love to hate the Batmobile. [...]
Adam Young of Owl City joins the Riot to discuss New Music Fridays, Japan, and his new album “Mobile Orchestra”. [...]
Matt from Emery calls in to talk about “You Were Never Alone”, “The Question” 10th anniversary tour, and what “aggressive” means when Emery says it. [...]
The Riot chats with Dave from Hidden Hospitals about their tour and where to go if you want the best bagels in the world. [...]
The Riot spent time chatting with Fireflight about Innova (their new album), gift fulfillment, and whether or not Wendy was going to let them get free McNuggets on release day. [...]
Having trouble getting a job? It could be the font that you’re using on your resume. Nikki thinks its probably the CONTENT and not the font but she’s a big fan of comic sans so can she really be trusted? Also, fonts are $30!?!?! Turn your dumb-bike into a SMART-BIKE with these pedals. Now you can track distance, [...]
Have you ever thought about the hotel ice machine? I mean REALLY thought about it. When was the last time it was cleaned? When was the last time someone used it as a replacement for their bathroom? If you’re staying at the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, the answer to both questions is (hopefully) Tuesday. Is the [...]