

Watch Obadiah play Forza Horizon 3: Hot Wheels!

Watch Obadiah play Forza Horizon 3: Hot Wheels!

What happens when you take an already incredibly fun racing game and add Hot Wheels tracks and cars? The best answer would be to listen to Obadiah laugh hysterically below in our new ObadiahPlays video! Want to hear more? Check out our official word in RIOT Control! [...]

May 11, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

RIOT Control: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

RIOT Control: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 is back and is packed with more options than ever including a revamped Battle Mode, new characters, and all of the DLC from the WiiU. Get our take on playing with a small screen and little controllers in this Riot Control! [...]

April 21, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Ryan from Demon Hunter on The RIOT

Ryan from Demon Hunter on The RIOT

The RIOT chats with Ryan from Demon Hunter about the huge week they’ve had with their new album: Outlive! [...]

April 12, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Social Club Misfits on the RIOT

Social Club Misfits on the RIOT

Did you know that Social Club Misfits are huge fans of Seinfeld? We didn’t either but Obadiah got REALLY excited about it. We also talk about their tour but they’re more interested in talking about Seinfeld. :) [...]

April 7, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Hearts Like Lions in studio with the RIOT

Hearts Like Lions in studio with the RIOT

Hearts Like Lions stopped by to stare at us with their evil eye!! We chat up their tour with The Ongoing Concept, Stranger Things, and Winter Storm Stella! [...]

March 15, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

The RIOT unboxes the Nintendo Switch!

The RIOT unboxes the Nintendo Switch!

Nintendo sent us a brand new Switch a few days early so we could share it with you. Watch Obadiah as he sets it up for the first time! [...]

February 24, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Hearts Like Lions New Music Friday on the RIOT

Hearts Like Lions New Music Friday on the RIOT

Stephen from Hearts Like Lions joins the RIOT to celebrate the release of their new album: “If I Never Speak Again”. [...]

February 17, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Aaron Cole on the RIOT

Aaron Cole on the RIOT

When you were getting in trouble for eating play-doh, Aaron Cole was making hip hop! The RIOT spends time chatting with him about how he got his start, how he got Derek Minor in his music, and how long Obadiah has been a fan. (Hint: at least a week) [...]

February 3, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

RIOT Control: Catch up on January

RIOT Control: Catch up on January

January is an “in-between” month in the gaming world and a great time to catch up on all the games you missed in 2016! Obadiah has been working his way through his back-catalogue, pile of shame, and Steam Holiday Sale games. Here’s a look at what we featured this month!   [...]

February 3, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Project 86 on The RIOT

Project 86 on The RIOT

If you had to choose, would you watch the Cubs win the World Series or watch Project 86 live? On this tour, you got to do both (it’ll make sense when you listen… seriously)! Andrew tells us about Game 7, Project 86, and who he’s sharing a drummer with!   [...]

November 4, 2016 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0