

ObadiahPlays River City Girls

ObadiahPlays River City Girls

Old school beat ’em up meets cute anime meets River City Ransom meets… Obadiah? Yep! Spend some time with Obadiah as he helps the River City Girls hunt down and rescue their kidnapped boyfriends! Thrill as Obadiah gets frustrated with a boss battle that should be easy and yet he can’t win! Laugh as he [...]

September 6, 2019 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed Champions

ObadiahPlays Forza Horizon 4 LEGO Speed Champions

Is it Obadiah’s favorite racing game of all time? Yes. Does the LEGO enhance the experience? Watch to find out! [...]

July 1, 2019 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays The Division 2 Beta

ObadiahPlays The Division 2 Beta

For a beta, thing thing feels pretty final. Over the course of his time with The Division 2 Open Beta, Obadiah went from a non-believe to a believer and pre-orderer. To be clear, this is the exact opposite experience he had with Anthem. Join Obadiah as he wanders a mostly-to-scale version of Washington D.C. including [...]

March 8, 2019 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Crackdown 3

ObadiahPlays Crackdown 3

Do you like blowing things up? Obadiah spent even more time with Crackdown 3 and discovered that the more you play it… the more you like it. We had some problems with game audio in this stream so if you’re wondering: it’s not just you. :) Thanks for watching! Crackdown 3 code provided by Microsoft.  [...]

February 18, 2019 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Kingdom Hearts 3

ObadiahPlays Kingdom Hearts 3

There hasn’t been a new console Kingdom Hearts game since 2006. George W. Bush was President. The iPhone did not exist. Netflix only sent DVDs in the mail. 13 years later a lot has changed… is Kingdom Hearts still good? Obadiah may not have a definitive answer, but you can join him as he searches [...]

January 29, 2019 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Just Cause 4

ObadiahPlays Just Cause 4

Obadiah is left a little underwhelmed by Just Cause 4 but can’t stop making “Just Cuz” jokes. Maybe that makes it all worthwhile? See if it belongs under YOUR tree and spend some extra time with The RIOT while we play Just Cause 4! https://www.facebook.com/RadioU/videos/788422898168230/   [...]

December 6, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Forza Horizon 4

ObadiahPlays Forza Horizon 4

Forza Horizon 3 is one of Obadiah’s favorite games of ALL TIME. How does the sequel stack up? Let’s find out! [...]

October 2, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Shadow of the Tomb Raider

ObadiahPlays Shadow of the Tomb Raider

FINALLY!! It’s time for Shadow of the Tomb Raider! Join Obadiah as he streams the first hour of Lara’s latest adventure. More streaming is coming later this week and don’t forget to check out our Marvel’s Spider-Man stream, too! [...]

September 11, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Marvel’s Spider-Man

ObadiahPlays Marvel’s Spider-Man

Months of hype and Marvel’s Spider-Man is finally here! Join Obadiah as he hangs with Peter, Mary Jane, Aunt May… and discovers some new Spider suits! [...]

September 11, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 1

ObadiahPlays Dead Cells

ObadiahPlays Dead Cells

It’s a metroidvania rogue-like-lite… and its a TON OF FUN. Spend some time with Obadiah as he makes some real progress (and huge costly mistakes) in Dead Cells! https://www.facebook.com/RadioU/videos/207142286817890/ [...]

August 14, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0