

Fireflight on The RIOT

Fireflight on The RIOT

Fireflight is playing their first show in more than a year this weekend! We’re finding out about Glenn’s new modeling career, Dawn’s solo project, and new music from the band!   [...]

August 10, 2018 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Graceful Closure and Cold Brew Coffee on The RIOT

Graceful Closure and Cold Brew Coffee on The RIOT

The RIOT has been happy with their new cold brew coffee maker, but how do they KNOW that its actually good? The answer: bring in an expert. Jared from Graceful Closure is the most intense coffee lover that we know. We brew him some cold brew coffee, catch up on the band, and get his [...]

July 3, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly, Videos 0

RIOT Food Fight: Cold Brew Coffee… fast!?!

RIOT Food Fight: Cold Brew Coffee… fast!?!

Nikki’s mom has gifted Team RadioU with the new Cuisanart DCB-10 Cold Brew coffee maker. It’s supposed to make cold brew coffee which normally takes 12-18 hours in around 30 minutes. We put it through its paces and see what we think of this (potential) marvel of modern technology. https://www.facebook.com/RadioU/videos/10156222035803445/ [...]

June 27, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Food Fight: Nikki’s Birthday with Peeps Oreos

Food Fight: Nikki’s Birthday with Peeps Oreos

When Nikki celebrates her birthday, she always does it with her Peeps! Thanks to Chris who brought us some Peeps Oreos to make this birthday taste test extra special!  [...]

February 19, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

RIOT Food Fight: Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos

RIOT Food Fight: Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos

Do those Oreos taste like hot cinnamon hearts or is it just a clever name? The RIOT goes on an Oreo deep dive and does some investigative reporting with first hand evidence of what these new Oreos taste like! [...]

February 1, 2018 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Faintheart on the RIOT

Faintheart on the RIOT

The guys in Faintheart sent the RIOT a t-shirt… does that mean  you can’t trust this interview? Judge for yourself as we talk Fainheart’s custom coffee, art, and Indiegogo. (You can find their campaign by clicking here.) [...]

August 1, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays Destiny 2 BETA

ObadiahPlays Destiny 2 BETA

Anyone else getting excited about Destiny 2? We are! Well… we are cautiously optimistic because we remember how great the Destiny beta was but still… Obadiah plays through the single player section of the BETA and spends a great deal of team screaming at Space Hamsters. [...]

July 20, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Deraj on the RIOT

Deraj on the RIOT

Deraj calls The RIOT and chats about the current state of the music business, his upcoming EP, and his new single “Watching”. [...]

July 18, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

ObadiahPlays ARMS

ObadiahPlays ARMS

Our first Switch stream! Obadiah spends time with ARMS and spends time punching Mummies and punching AS a Mummy… and a pop star… and a girl in a power suit.. and on and on. Lots of fun and extremely cool visuals (and some difficult motion controls) make for a unique fighting game. Check out RIOT [...]

June 23, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Glasslands on The RIOT

Glasslands on The RIOT

Glasslands stopped by The RIOT this morning to introduce us to new band members and chat about an upcoming new video! https://www.facebook.com/RadioU/videos/10155001651098445/ You can also hear it here: [...]

May 26, 2017 RadioU RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0