
hip hop

Village KNG: Band Interviews with NayNay | RadioU

Village KNG: Band Interviews with NayNay | RadioU

Afternoon Host, NayNay spends time with the musical duo of Village KNG to discuss their latest releases, backstage experiences and more! [...]

March 16, 2024 RadioU Fusion, Interviews, RadioU Music News 0

Deraj on the RIOT

Deraj on the RIOT

Deraj calls The RIOT and chats about the current state of the music business, his upcoming EP, and his new single “Watching”. [...]

July 18, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0

Aaron Cole on the RIOT

Aaron Cole on the RIOT

When you were getting in trouble for eating play-doh, Aaron Cole was making hip hop! The RIOT spends time chatting with him about how he got his start, how he got Derek Minor in his music, and how long Obadiah has been a fan. (Hint: at least a week) [...]

February 3, 2017 RadioU Interviews, RadioU Mornings with Hudson & Aly 0